
10 Aug

Community-based Tourism Social Innovation Playbook

Like the overall tourism industry, community-based tourism (CBT) has been affected by travel restrictions and changing customer behaviors due to the pandemic. In addition to the focus on sustainability, being anticipatory and adaptive is now critical to the survival of CBT, especially given that local communities might not have the same level of resources as large-scale players in the tourism industry.


10 Aug

Community-Based Tourism Facilitation Manual

This manual realizes the ambition to compile knowledge and best practices acquired from tourism development projects implemented in Asia and Africa into a community-based tourism (CBT) methodology that can serve as resource for tourism product development in an academic setting and by practitioners.


8 Aug

Handbook on Developing Community-based entrepreneurship (CBE) in Rural Tourism through Digital Empowerment

This handbook overcomes barriers to economic activity faced by rural communities by incorporating digital technology into Medium Small Micro Enterprise’s activities. It does so through increasing connectivity, closing the digital divide and empowering economically vulnerable populations.


8 Aug

Developing Community-Based Tourism: Lessons Learnt from Rwanda’s Destination Kivu Belt

This publication elaborates on the approach used by the Eco-Emploi project to support the development of the CBT initiatives in the Destination Kivu Belt of Rwanda and the lessons learnt from this process.


8 Aug

Community-based tourism guidelines by CSIP

These guidelines are designed for leaders and managers in active CBT communities, local tourism management agencies and other stakeholders in the field of CBT who are interested in developing, organizing and managing a CBT model embracing community engagement.


8 Aug

Community-Based Tourism (CBT) Enterprise Handbook

This Caribbean Community-Based Tourism (CBT) Enterprise Handbook is for anyone who operates or who wants to develop a community-based tourism (CBT) business. The business can be owned by the community, local groups, families, and be joint ventures, partnerships or entrepreneurial ventures.


5 Aug

Community Based Tourism in Zimbabwe: Guidelines for Development

Objectives of this CBT manual are to clarify definition of CBT and its basic principles, and to guide process of development and improvement of the CBT for promoting the CBT. This manual is prepared for promotion of the CBT in Zimbabwe, but it is expected that this manual is also used in SADC (Southern African Development Community) member countries for promoting CBT.


4 Aug

Fresh From The Field: Practical experiences developing and marketing CBT in Kayah, Myanmar through tourism supply chains

This Manual presents first-hand experiences, tools and lessons learned between 2014 and 2017, implementing the project NTF III Myanmar: Inclusive Tourism focusing on Kayah State. During the project, many innovative techniques were used in local communities, Yangon, and Europe; to develop and market new cultural tours to European tourists who want to experience life and […]


4 Aug

Sustainable CBT DIY Toolkit: Communication and Marketing

This toolkit guides the community members through an awareness raising and learning journey for creating and implementing responsible marketing and communication actions.


3 Aug

A starter guide to developing sustainable tourism in protected areas

This book is a practical manual on how to develop and manage tourism in protected areas. It is for all those responsible for the management of protected areas as tourism destinations. These include not only protected-area managers but also local authorities, tourism promotion agencies and tourism business associations.