This community-based tourism (CBT) manual shows the practical methods on how to develop CBT enterprises (CBTEs) in Zimbabwe, and explains the following items:
- Definition of community and Community Based Tourism, and benefit of CBT for the community,
- Development process of CBT,
- Monitoring and evaluation for continuous improvement of the CBT, and
- Inclusive CBT development with relevant organizations.
Objectives of this CBT manual are to clarify definition of CBT and its basic principles, and to guide process of development and improvement of the CBT for promoting the CBT. This manual is prepared for promotion of the CBT in Zimbabwe, but it is expected that this manual is also used in SADC (Southern African Development Community) member countries for promoting CBT.
Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry of (MOTHI) Zimbabwe prepared this manual to promote Community Based Tourism (CBT) in Zimbabwe. Interrelation between tourism and local communities is emphasized in the on-going National Tourism Policy which was established in 2014.
Intended users of the CBT manual are administrative officials of the following organizations:
- MOTHI and Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) which engage directly in promotion of CBT,
- Ministry of Youth, Indigenization and Economic Empowerment (MOYIEE), Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development (MOSMECD), Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development (MOWAGCD), Ministry of Rural Development, Promotion & Preservation of National Culture & Heritage (MORDPPNCH), National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe (NMMZ), Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (PWMA) and Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) Association, which aim to develop each target group through CBT
- Local government such as Rural District Councils (RDC) and City Councils which aim to promote community development through CBT.
- Tourism development promotion organizations in Southern Africa such as RETOSA, and government, Non-Governmental Organizations and tourism boards in SADC member countries, and
- International development partners