Action on CBT and its partners recognise that the sustainability and growth of a tourism destination cannot be achieved without a strategic approach, a holistic plan, and an effective coordination process which connects all concerned stakeholders and allows local voices to be heard. To that end, we provide five essential services.
We faciliate the community’s participation and ownership in designing and delivering tourism services, through management courses, skills training, and other capacity building initiatives. This engagement in the full process of developing tourism services gives communities the confidence and knowledge to make future decisions and operate independently.
We design tourism experiences based on the strengths, assets, and natural resources available in each village, and tailor these experiences to match the demands of the market. We also host training trips for participants in our tourism programs for villagers to familiarise themselves with similar products and better understand travelers’ needs.
Our social enterprise connects community-based tourism villages with responsible travelers through a network of sustainable tour operators and travel agencies, and can facilitate requests to match a range of purposes and group sizes. Market actors return valuable feedback and are consulted in relevant phases of product development.
We offer technical advice as a consultancy service on request. We’ve developed our own training materials and guidelines drawn from years of experience at the junction of community development and tourism, and can provide feasibility assessments, model proposals, training workshops, and research services for governments, corporations, and NGOs.
We established two networks in Vietnam to enable internal and external cooperation for tourism development. The Alliance of CBT is a network for knowledge exchange among member villages, while the CBT Think Tank Group links experts and policymakers for support, advocacy, events, and problem-solving on issues related to community-based tourism.
To understand the community and their needs, we meet with village members and collect detailed data and information about each village’s resources, strengths, assets and issues.
To assess whether tourism development can be a viable solution, we analyse the core problems and their reasons, looking at possible obstacles and consequences.
To identify the ideas and solutions for main issues, we hold workshops and sharing sessions within communities and outline the methods which will bring maximum benefit.
To implement our shared vision and ideas, we hold training and capacity building sessions for villagers, and form managerial and functional groups to carry out activities independently.
To strengthen the community’s motivation, we collect feedback and remarks from travel operators and villagers about how to improve, and evaluate the initial revenue earned.
To create self-reliant communities that can act with autonomy, we transfer full ownership and operations to the community, while continuing to support the project as needed.
Action on CBT partners with leading sustainable tour operators from around the globe to connect responsible travelers with Vietnam’s best community-based tourism villages. Please contact us if you’re interested in working together.